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[5:00pm-6:00pm] KofC Spaghetti Dinner Take-out (Lower Hall Entrance-Enter from Ponderosa to Lower Hall entrance)
6:00pm |
[6:00pm-8:00pm] KofC Spaghetti Dinner (Lower Hall )
- Description:
- KofC will be serving a Spaghetti Dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. Come enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner prepared by Chef Ken Silvers and crew for only $10.00. Meals will be delivered by servers or order your dinner to be picked up. Please bring a check made out to the Knights of Columbus for the exact amount. Tickets will be at the door. There will be a signup sheet in the Narthex or email Johnny Broome at kocprdir10208@gmail.com for planning purposes.
7:00pm |
8:00pm |