Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Calendar

October 2021
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  [All day event] 40 Days For Life Vigil (Little Rock)
Today, October 27, is the day Sacred Heart will participate in the 40 Days for Life vigil at the Planned Parenthood office in Little Rock. Parish members who participate will stand in front of the office for one hour, holding a Pro Life sign. The day runs from 7am to 7pm. Last year's participants felt the hour went by quickly. It is an easy drive because the office is on this side of LR. There were a surprising number of cars going by that waved their support. There are no confrontations or worries. You might look at carpooling with other church members or friends. To coordinate coverage, please text or email Rebecca Huber what hour you will cover, and the name and phone numbers and email addresses of those going. As we get closer to the date, directions and signs for use at the event will be provided. My email is rebagolf@sbcglobal.net and text is 501-844-7657.

9:00am [9:30am] KofC COVID Booster Clinic Planning Meeting (Classroom D)
1:00pm [1:00pm-3:00pm] Guild 7, Cards (Upper Hall)
[1:00pm-3:30pm] Spades (Upper Hall)

[3:00pm-4:00pm] Cemetery Committee Meeting (Classroom D)
5:00pm [5:30pm] REY Monthly Dinner (Upper Hall)
REY Monthly Dinner hosted by KofC

6:00pm [6:00pm-7:00pm] REY - PreK/8th Grade (Classrooms)