Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Knight's Site Search

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Bill Butler
  • Tony Cifelli
  • Jim Cone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Clyde Porterfield
  • Don Prescott
  • Don Ritter
  • Del Scheid
  • Robert Steinpreis
  • Richard Wille
  • Gordon Wilson

The Flag Team
The Flag Team

Memorial Day Flags
Memorial Day Flags


The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus put up American Flags around the perimeter of Sacred Heart Catholic Church on seven patriotic days during the year. Approximately 80 flags are put up (and taken down the same day). This is a project of the 4th Degree Knights, whose purpose is to help promote patriotism in our country. Russ Harrison, Flags Chairman, leads this project, and members participate as they are able. Shown below are pictures from this Memorial Day, May 27, 2024. The Assembly also supplies flags for all the golf courses plus the Fire Stations in the Village as part of our "Flags Forever Program". Members, please consider helping when you can. If you're not a 4th Degree Knight contact the 2024-2025 Faithful Navigator, Pat McGannon.