Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Calendar

August 2022
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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9:00am [9:00am] Mass in Honor of St. Joseph
Mass in honor of St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and the Patron of the Universal Church. The Knights of Columbus will bring an icon of St. Joseph (holding the Christ child in his arms) in procession at the start of Mass. This icon was one of the many blessed by Pope Francis at the beginning of the year of St. Joseph. The readings, reflection and petitions for this Mass will come from a prayer program that has been initiated and used by the Knights of Columbus all over the United States and beyond. ALL PRAISHIONERS and certainly Knights and wives are invited and encouraged to participate in Mass that day as part of the Knights of Columbus observance of the year of St. Joseph.

10:00am [10:00am-11:00am] Fit 'n Balanced Fitness Class (Lower Hall)
11:00am [11:00am-1:00pm] 1:00 pm - Farmer's Market (Lower Parking Lot)
[11:30am-12:30pm] Fit 'n Balanced Fitness Class (Lower Hall)
1:00pm [1:00pm-2:00pm] Chair Stretch & Balance (Lower Hall)
[1:00pm-2:00pm] Mat Yoga (Upper Hall)
5:00pm [5:00pm] KofC Council 10208 General Meeting (Lower Hall)