Mary Ann and Ed Miller |
Ed was District Deputy from 2009 through 2012 for District 10 which was awarded the "Star District Award" all three years. He was Faithful Navigator of the Fourth Degree Assembly for the 2012/13 year.
Ed is also head of the Clean-up Crew for Sacred Heart's Disaster Response Team and runs the Cheese Sales Program which supports the “Coats for Kids" project - last year providing 96 new coats to needy children.
Mary Ann was Church Choir Director from 2004 to 2012 and continues to sing in the choir. She is a member of the Ladies Guild, cantors at mass, and helps Ed with cheese sales.
Bob Honzik (l) with Anna and Carl Suttor |
Anna was born on the Island of Cyprus and was raised in the Orthodox Church. She is an hourly captain for Perpetual Adoration and helps with anything in the Parish when asked.
Anna and Carl donated the total cost of the January 19 KC Parishioner Breakfast.
Bob and Ann Bowman |
Ann is captain of the All Saints Guild for the Ladies of Sacred Heart. She is also a Eucharistic Minister, secretary of the Sacred Heart Bowling League, and is a member of Helping Hands visiting three elderly parishioners regularly.
Both Bob and Ann are members of “Life in the Spirit” Friday prayer group. They have hosted a seminarian, Karldy Isidor, from Haiti several times throughout the past two years. They delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets and attended the Fall couples retreat at Subiaco. Bob and Ann are Perpetual Adorers