Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
L-R Mary Ann & Bob Honzik, GK Gary Wolfer
L-R Mary Ann & Bob Honzik, GK Gary Wolfer


In the bustling halls of our parish, there exists a steadfast pillar of commitment, humility, and service. This May, we are proud to shine the spotlight on Brother Bob Hoznik, our Knight of the Month, whose dedication has been the heartbeat of our community.

Brother Bob is not merely a name but a beacon of leadership, having held numerous vital positions within our council. From guiding our parish's financial endeavors to spearheading administrative initiatives, his contributions have been instrumental in shaping the course of our community's journey.

At the core of Brother Bob's service lies an unwavering dedication to the values of charity and compassion. Whether it's organizing fundraisers for local causes or lending a helping hand to those in need, he exemplifies the spirit of selflessness that defines our organization.

Moreover, Brother Bob's impact extends far beyond the boundaries of our parish. He works closely with our Pastor, the Bishop, and seminarian leadership, fostering collaboration and unity within the broader Church community. His involvement in the One Church program underscores his commitment to promoting solidarity and cooperation among diverse congregations.

Beyond his official capacities, Brother Bob is a friend and mentor to many within our parish. His door is always open, ready to offer guidance, support, or simply a listening ear to those who seek it. His kindness and approachability make him a beloved figure, cherished by all who have had the privilege of knowing him.

As we honor Brother Bob Hoznik as our Knight of the Month, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of his service. May his example inspire us all to follow in his footsteps, embodying the spirit of fraternity and service that lies at the heart of our organization. Thank you, Brother Bob, for your tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to our parish community.

GK Gary Wolfer presenting Knight of the Month Award to Brother Rick Rivera
GK Gary Wolfer presenting Knight of the Month Award to Brother Rick Rivera

In the heart of Council 10208, amidst the camaraderie and commitment to service, Rich Rivera, esteemed member of the council, has been awarded the prestigious title of Knight of the Month for April 2024, a testament to his unwavering devotion to the community and tireless efforts in enhancing the Knights' mission.

Rich Rivera's journey with Council 10208 has been nothing short of inspiring. Serving as the Program Director for the 2023-2024 term, he has served in whatever capacity needed for the various Knight functions.

His compassion, integrity, and willingness to lend a helping hand serve as a beacon of inspiration for his fellow members.

L-R Karen wife of Knight of the Month Larry Gremillion and Grand Knight Gary Wolfer
L-R Karen wife of Knight of the Month Larry Gremillion and Grand Knight Gary Wolfer

Larry Gremillion was recognized for his work in the field of technology/communication the past four months. Larry, in response for assistance with communications effort in the absence of Rick Darnell who is going back to school, said he would step up! This was great news for the leadership team, as there are there so many areas of work in technology that are required in a timely manner. Thank you Larry for your commendable job and helping us manage through many challenges of technology such as sending out through email general communications and council meeting meal requests, coordinating ticket sales and table registration for Fun Fest.