Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Mike Frantz

Mike Frantz was selected as Knight of the Month for July, 2009.  It is the third time in four years that Mike has been awarded this honor.   Mike became a knight in April, 1963, and since joining Council 10208 he has held the offices of Chancellor, Warden, and Guard.  He is a member of the Council's First Degree Installation Team and is in charge of the refeshment center for meetings and events.

He is a member of Sacred Heart's Helping Hands Committee and the Disaster Response Team and was recently on the Church's Habitat for Humanity crew in Hot Springs.  In addition to directing the Council's annual participation in the bowling portion of the National Camps for Blind Children at Fiesta Bowl, Mike mows and trims the areas around the McAuley Center, transports patrons to the Center who are unable to drive, and coordinates the mowing and trimming of the fields at the Boys and Girls Club where he also helps maintain the equipment.  He has also assisted in the preparation of the burgers and dogs at the knights' spring picnics.  In his spare time he volunteers at the East Gate.

Congratulations, Mike.  You set an excellent example for knights to emulate in service to church, council, community, family, and youth.


Art has one of those positions that is often taken for granted by both the officers and the membership.  However, he is expected to be available at a moment’s notice throughout the year to get important email messages out to the membership from both the Faithful Navigator and the Grand Knight.  He also is currently responsible for maintaining both the membership directory and an email file.

Art joined the knights and Council 10208 on March 11, 2007.   He has been its Communications Director since June, 2008.  He is an altar server and along with his wife, Marna, is a Parish Greeter.  Art assisted with the tornado clean up in Atkins and worked with last year’s Persons with Disabilities fundraising drive.

As a member of the Hot Springs Village Computer Club, he serves as its First Vice President and teaches computing classes.  Art is also very active in his neighborhood activities, including maintenance and landscaping, and he serves on its annual picnic committee.  He and Marna co-produce the neighborhood newsletter.

Thanks to Art for helping to keep the knights well informed about current events.

Knight of the Month for April 2009 is Marvin Young.

Marvin Young

Marvin became a knight in Nebraska in 1974 and joined our council in 2007. He is an Extraordinary Minister at Sacred Heart, and volunteers at Jackson House on Tuesdays and Fridays. He helps maintain the fields at the Boys and Girls Club and the area around the McCauley Center. He was very active In the Treasure Sale doing transportation duties.

Marvin volunteered to staff the phones at the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management in Little Rock following last winter’s ice storm. He attended the Little Rock Diocese’s first workshop on Parish Social Ministry.

He served on Sacred Heart’s Disaster Response Feasibility Study Group. He is a member of Sacred Heart’s Disaster Response Team and serves on its Steering Committee with direct responsibility for training and scheduling the case managers.

He has made many trips to Mena following the tornado, one trip to help Catholic Charities dispense information to the victims, and other trips to work with Sacred Heart’s clean-up crews. Marvin will be coordinating Sacred Heart’s case managers at Mena upon the request of Catholic Charities of Arkansas.

Marvin is truly a great Knight and well deserving of this award.