Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
Flag Day 2015 was observed on Sunday, June 14. It was hosted in the Village by Assembly 2316 in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. Particiopants included the American Legion, VFW, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.Pictured (l-r): Dallas and Mary Erdman, Tom Durant, Jim Gruenewald, Father Bill Elser, and Dave Johnston.
The event began at 3:00pm with the recitation of the Patriotic Rosary in the nave led by Father Bill and Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer. Prior to the rosary, the colors were posted in the sanctuary by Honor Guard members Larry Cruz, Bill Nosek, and Bill Patterson.
The program in the lower hall began at 3:45 with a social and refreshments. There were approximately 120 people in attendance. Sam Justus sold 50/50 tickets, and Ron Cuba handled the refresment center. Faithful Navigator Dave Johnston was the emcee and opened the program at 4:15 with a welcome. Members of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) posted the colors. Commander of the American Legion Tom Durant led the Pledge of Allegiance and Tom North, member of the Assembly and the American Legion, sang the National Anthem.
Garry Berry gave some background on the flier produced in competition by students at the Jessieville and Fountain Lakes High Schools. He then introduced the leaders of the service organizations: Dallas and Mary Erdman of the VFW; Tom Durant, Commander of the American Legion Post 123; and Jim Gruenewald, Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Dave Johnston, 2014-2015 Assembly 2316 Faithful Navigator, were also recognized and thanked.
A short video documentary was shown about the battle that prompted Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner song. Father Bill closed the program with a prayer of thanksgiving and a blessing of the food.
A delicious buffet dinner consisting of sloppy Joe sandwiches, Cole slaw, and pasta salad was prepared and donated by Bill and Mary Lou George with assistance from Anna Suttor and Jaime and Susie Cardenas. Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich along with Dave and Helen Struthers helped with preparing the hall. Members of the service organizations complemented the meal with an excellent array of desserts The 5/50 donations netted $125 for the Assembly's flag program and awarded monetary prizes of $3, $38,nd $25 for the winners.
The event concluded with the showing of the movie, The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson. About 15 peole stayed for the movie and enjoyed Father Bill's ice cream at intermission.
Pictures of the observance can be viewed by clicking Photos.