Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
2013 Installation of Officers resized 37
Arkansas Master Russ Anzalone witnesses the gavel transfer from Ed Miller (l) to Bill Welch, the 2013-2014 Faithful Navigator.
An installation ceremony and dinner for the Knights of Columbus Assemblies of Hot Springs Village and Hot Springs were held on May 28 in the Lower Hall of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  It was a formal affair with the knights dressed in tuxedos and the wives at their best. 

The ceremony was given for the newly elected officers who will  accept their positions on July 1. The officers were escorted by the Honor Guard to receive their instructions from Arkansas Worthy State Master Russell Anzalone of Bella Vista and a blessing from Father Elser.

Bill Welch follows Ed Miller as the Faithful Navigator for the HSV Assembly 2316.  Other officers for the 2013-2014 fraternal year include: Captain Dave Johnston; Pilot Bill Gribbon; Comptroller Sam Justus; Scribe Jack Widlowski; Purser Mike Garstecki; Inner Sentinel John Lucas; Outer Sentinel Ray Ambrozich; Admiral Ed Miller; 1st Trustee Mike Kerwin; 2nd Trustee Jerry Bertrand; and, 3rd Trustee Ron Boudreaux.

Mike Kerwin was recognized as the knight of the year for his leadership with the homeless vet project and Flag Day activities. Larry and Carol Cruz were presented a plaque as family of the year for their tireless ministry to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and for Larry's honor guard service.

There were approximately 64 Knights with their wives in attendance.  A delicious meal of lasagna, sweet potatoes, and vegetables was served  by the Home Plate restaurant. The dessert was ice cream supplied by Father Elser.

Click on Photos for pictures of the event.