Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

November 11, 2019 was a celebration for our Deceased and Living Veteran’s for so unselfishly giving their all with some making the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom in this great country.

A Patriotic Rosary was held with Five of our Brother Knights reading patriotic quotes as part of the Rosary.  Fr. Bill then held a Mass for our Vets and afterwards, there was a recognition of sacrifices and service by our Veterans in the Upper Hall. 


A very nice assortment of pastries, fruit, coffee and juices were served with one table and place setting for those Veteran’s that did not return from Duty.
God Bless the Veteran’s and the United States of America where freedom truly reigns

Place Setting for those that have given the Ultimate Sacrifice
Place Setting for those that have given the Ultimate Sacrifice
Information for this article was provided by Michael P. Kerwin.

On Thursday September 19, 2019 the St. Francis team coordinated by the 4th Degree assembly and American Legion Post 123 sponsored a Social with finger food for the Vets at St. Francis House.

28 Veterans, 6 staff and 9 volunteers were present.  The finger food was provided by many team members from both the Assembly and the American Legion.

As you can see in the photo, there was plenty of food and a good time was had by all.
As you can see in the photo, there was plenty of food and a good time was had by all.

Pictured above is Vivian (on the right) and her sister, Ann standing in front of the American Flag Vivian hand sewn and presented it to the St. Francis House on June 14, 2018.
Pictured above is Vivian (on the right) and her sister, Ann standing in front of the American Flag Vivian hand sewn and presented it to the St. Francis House on June 14, 2018.

Mission of the St. Francis House

The mission of St. Francis House is to provide a means of addressing the diverse, critical needs of the under-served, which are not addressed by others in the community.

History of the St. Francis House
Opened in 1970 as a social outreach of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas.
In 1975 under a Title XX contract with Arkansas Social Services, a
licensed social worker was hired to administer a social program.
In 1980 St. Francis House was relocated to its current location at 2701 South Elm Street.
In 1988 a new Re-Entry program was contracted with the Veterans Administration to serve as a transitional program for homeless Veterans that St. Francis House and American Legion Post 123 supports.
Facility Description
The facility is a mix of dormitory and single room occupancy. In addition, there are three family rooms and a self-contained area for female residents. The facility is authorized by the VA to house a maximum of 45 Veterans at any one time. The average attendance in
the past 2 years is between 30 to 35 Veterans. This does not include dependents such as spouses and/or children.

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Fr. Bill Elser receiving his Jewel
Fr. Bill Elser receiving his Jewel

        Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316 Installation of Officers

It was a great night at the Home Plate Restaurant where the new Officers for Assembly 2316, for the Fraternal year 2019-2020 were installed. 

 A wonderful meal was provided for the new officers, wives and guests.  After eating and socializing, Sir Knight and past Faithful Navigator Mike Kerwin, filling in for the State District Manager, Jeff priore, was the conductor of the installation.  Fr. Bill was first up to receive his jewel and be installed as the Assemblies Faithful Friar.  The wives of each Officer stood in front of their spouse and placed the jewel on them as SK Mike explained their duties while installing the rest of the officers as follows.

Faithful Navigator       Gary Wolfer

Comptroller                 Sam Justus

Captain                       Tom Donnelly

Pilot                             Russ Harrison

Scribe                          Mark Leslie

Purser                         Lanny Mabus

Inner Sentinel              Rick Darnell

Outer Sentinel             Ray Ambrozich

Admiral                        David Witchger

1st Trustee                  Mike Kerwin

2nd Trustee                 Frank Benda

3rd Trustee                  David Johnston

SK Johnny Broome stood in for Ray Ambrozich as he was unable to attend the installation.

Let us keep all these men in our prayers, that they may faithfully execute the duties of their office, bring honor to Assembly 2316, and Glory to Christ in everything they do.

Many more photos in the Photo Section.

4th Degree Exemplification at the Sacred Heart of Jesus
4th Degree Exemplification at the Sacred Heart of Jesus
On April 6, 2019, Assembly 2316 hosted the 4th Degree Exemplification at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Hot Springs Village, AR. It all started at Noon with Registration and a light lunch with the Candidates, Sponsors and Honored Guests with many of their wives accompanying them.

The wives were then treated to a Fashion Show while the candidates were being exemplified. Many thanks to Ruth Wolfer for Charing and coordinating the Fashion Show with clothing featured by Chico’s. The show was held at the Coronado Center with a big Thank You to the Center for donating the room.

Our Faithful Navigator, Gary Wolfer opened the ceremony with Father Patrick Boland giving the invocation. We were blessed to have Father Bill Elser as our Honoree.

Special thanks to the exemplification team: District Master, Jeff Priore; Historian and Captain, Jimmy McKinnon; Faithful Friar, David Meyers; Expositor of the Constitution, Gerald Krawcsynski; Defender of the Faith, Rich Rivera; Registrar, Larry Nieman; Narrator, Lloyd J.Cambre; Music, Joe Kanopsic; Power Point, William Edgar; District Marshal, Greg Mattics.

Our sincerest gratitude to our State Officers: Bishop of Little Rock, Most Rev. Anthony B. Taylor; State Chaplain, Father Patrick Boland; Associate State Chaplain, Reverend Alejandro Puello; State Deputy, Roy J. Anderle; State Secretary, Alan L. Halman; State Treasurer, Lloyd J. Cambre; State Advocate,
Timothy R. Malloy; State Warden, Michael W. Bowman; Past State Deputy, Philip A. Savage.

We had a total of 44 new Sir Knights after the exemplification:

22 from Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village:
James Anderson, Anthony Cifelli, Dan Ferguson, Michael Frantz, Al Hanschmann, Rebel Henry, Rick Hylden, Robert Lennen, Mark Leslie, Thomas Luyet, Chuck MacDonald, Richard Martinek, Stephen Moothart, Arthur Morissette, T L Nelson, William Peterson, Nelson Rubio, John Rymark, Ken Silvers, Robert Steinpreis, Russell Tessier, John Wallisch

16 from St. Barbara’s in DeQueen:
Juan Balderas, Benjamin De La Rosa, Michael Gallaway, Gustavo Gutierrez, Geraldo Hernandez, Villabaldo Hernando, Louis Jimenez, Daniel Loredo, Robert Martinez, Manolo Munoz, Rene Ocampo, Simon Ocampo, Osvaldo Ramirez, Margarito Ramirez, Enrique Sandoval, Jose Trejo

3 from Assembly 2054 in North Little Rock:
Michael Nauman, Steven Nauman, Stephen Rounsaville

2 from Assembly 1892 in Hot Springs:
Fr. Ravi Gudipalli, Micheal Millard

1 from Assembly 0028:
William McDonnell

After the Exemplification the new Sir Knights, Sponsors, Wives and honored guests met for a wonderful dinner, Presentation of the New Sir Knight Certificates, Photographs and recognition to all those that helped put together this most prestigious ceremony.
Garland County Annual
Knight of Columbus Chairity Golf Tournament

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, the Garland County Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament will return to Hot Springs Village, AR. The last time it was held Hot Springs Village was at the Balboa Golf Course in 2016. This will be the 12th Charity Tournament. We are so excited to have it in Hot Springs Village at the Beautiful Magellan Golf Course. This will be a landmark year for the Knights of Columbus as it will put it over 100,000.00 that has been raised for tuition for many students unable to afford the tuition at little or no costs to their families, allowing them to attend the St. John's Catholic School PreK3 through 8th Grade.

This is an all-volunteer event with no one being paid any salaries. All Monies raised go to the Charity. The Knights of Columbus have been the hosts of this event since it started 12 years ago at three different venues since its inception; The Belvedere, Lake Degray and Hot Springs Village.
Cost of the event is $85.00 per person which includes green fees, cart, range balls, prizes and buffet lunch after the tournament. The format is a FOUR PERSON SCRAMBLE. Teams can be all male, all female or a mix. Please mail your completed entry form to arrive no later than May 1, 2019 with a check payable to Knights of Columbus, 4 Alteza Dr, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 in the amount of $340.00. Entry Forms are available at any of the Golf Shops in Hot Springs Village, the Narthex at Sacred Heart Jesus Catholic Church in Hot Springs Village or you can request a form by emailing Scott: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling him: 512-626-7711

Or can be downloaded at:

You can contact Scott Krantz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any further questions you may have.
Magellan golf course
Magellan golf course

Serving Line
Serving Line
The Knights of Columbus provided a delicious St. Patrick’s dinner for 36 Homeless Veterans at the St. Francis House Veteran’s Rehabilitation Center in Little Rock.  Pictured here are Knights Terry Theisen, Bill Nosek, Bob Kulas, Ray Ambrozich, Mike Murphy, and Tom Donnelly manning the serving line as the Vets load up on Irish Stew, Soda Bread, Whipped Butter, and plenty of desserts provided by Knight’s wives and several ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary.

The Patrick J. Sullivan Council 10208 and the Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316 of Hot Springs Village, AR join together quarterly to prepare and serve dinners for up to 50 homeless veterans during each visit.  Knights also host bi-monthly socials with lots of good finger-food eats and treats for these deserving men, women, and sometimes their children.

Veterans Dining
Veterans Dining
For over five years quarterly meals have been provided--often for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other holidays such as this event.  The Knights gratefully acknowledge the appreciation expressed by the veterans and staff at St. Francis House.  The Knights deepest and heartfelt joy comes from the opportunity to show their thanks for the service and sacrifice of these patriots, in a tangible way, by giving a little back to them in their need.

The council free throw contest was held in the Jessieville Sports Arena, January 25th, 2018. We had 53 participants this year, which was a record for recent years. The coaches for both boys and girls team in Jessieville were instrumental in helping promote the event and get this record turnout.

A Huge Thanks to the Coaches, Walter Free and the Knights that helped with this contest for our Council.  The Knights that assisted at our local contest in Jessieville were Walter Free, Gary Joy, Pat McGannon, Dan Ferguson, Tom Conrad, Steve Schramer, Mike Webster, Bill Ligon, and Bill Lamoreaux.

The district contest was held at Our Lady of Fatima school in Benton, February 10th. The winners from our contest and the district were eligible to advance to the state free throw contest.  Five boys and girls from our council contest did attend the state contest at the Devil Dog Arena in Morrilton, AR, March 31st.  Jayden Meredith, age 10, was the winner at state for his age group.

The 5 participants who attended the state contest.  Pictured are (L to R) Abby Burk. Jayden Meredith holding his trophy, Adeline Robertson and Briar Carpenter.  Standing in back is Matthew Goodwin.
The 5 participants who attended the state contest. Pictured are (L to R) Abby Burk. Jayden Meredith holding his trophy, Adeline Robertson and Briar Carpenter. Standing in back is Matthew Goodwin.

b_618_348_16777215_01_images_stories_IMG_20190125_171134312.jpg200 people gathered at Morrilton's Devil Dog Arena on March 31 for the Knights of Columbus State Free Throw Contest. 48 contestants from across the state competed for the right to be called state champion. Morrilton Council 5209 acted as host and the Sacred Heart CYM operated a concession stand. Trophies were presented to the 12 champions. 13 councils were represented at the contest. The winners are as follows:

9 Year Old Girls - Elizabeth Scudder /Council 9514
9 Year Old Boys - Patrick Royal/Council 4143
10 Year Old Girls - Taylor Couthren/Council 12875
10 Year Old Boys - Jayden Meredith/Council 10208
11 Year Old Girls - Isabel Cross/Council 7258
11 Year Old Boys - Peyton Jones/Council 14619
12 Year Old Girls - Jennifer Hartman/Council 5209
12 Year Old Boys - Conner Pintado/Council 14619
13 Year Old Girls - Olivia Williams/Council 4143
13 Year Old Boys - Max Longing/Council 4143
14 Year Old Girls - Natalya Kaza/Council 812
14 year Old Boys - Logan Smart/Council 12875


Check Presented at St Francis House Dinner
Check Presented at St Francis House Dinner
On Thursday July 20, six Post members along with five 4th Degree Sir Knights of Columbus and five other volunteers put on a fried chicken dinner for 25 Vets, 8 family members and five members of St. Francis House staff.  During the evening our past Commander, Tony Milano,  presented a check from the Hot Springs Village PEO to Darlene Bourgeious the Director of St. Francis House.  Mary Erdman also present a check to Darlene and Ken Mace the assistent director from the the American Legion State organization. 

Many thanks to to all who participated in this amazing day!