Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Knight's Site Search

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

2010 was

Angel Tree and Head Custodian Howard Shaffer
an outstanding year of giving for the Christmas Basket Program as demonstrated by the following:

--Over 100 people donated $5,631 for the purchase of baskets. In addition, funds were allocated by the Knights of Columbus ($800), the Men’s Club ($650), and the Ladies of Sacred Heart ($1,405). All donations totaled $8,461.
--44 people delivered 53 baskets to needy families in the Jessieville and Fountain Lake areas.
--$3,000 in non-perishable food was purchased from Project Hope, a food bank in Hot Springs.
--$3,650 was used to purchase perishable food for 45 baskets and for all of the food and gift cards etc for four families who were identified very late in the process.
--15 people donated their time to haul the food purchased from Project Hope to the Upper Hall of Sacred Heart and to sort it into boxes for the basket distribution.

--480 presents were purchased by generous parishioners for 120 children in the families.
--Sacred Heart parishioners also donated $1,446 to the Holy Trinity shoe fund (each child in the designated families is given a certificate to buy a new pair of shoes).
--A $750 donation of appreciation will be made to Project Hope, since the price Project Hope charges the Village Christmas Basket Project for food is about 30% less than it pays to purchase the food (the difference is made up in monetary donations it receives). 
--The remaining funds will be used to purchase Easter baskets for the neediest families and to address the special needs of those families.
--The total of all donations made this Christmas season for the Basket Project by Sa

Non-perishable food items in the Upper Hall before being sorted into baskets. Lucy and Marvin Young are adding to the provisions.
cred Heart parishioners was about $19,000. 

This program continues to grow each year.  Four years ago there was a total of 20 baskets. Last year there were 35 baskets. Sacred Heart is by far the most generous of all the churches and organizations that participate in the Village Outreach Christmas Basket Program.  It provides more food and presents resulting in more baskets to more families! 

As previously referenced, there were many Sacred Heart people involved with this program in donating money and buying presents.  However, most of the work in preparing and delivering the baskets was done by 45 Knights and their spouses who volunteered a total of 906 hours.

Once again thank you to all who helped this year! I’m sure God will bless you for what you have done for those less fortunate!