Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Knight's Site Search

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

Pope John Paul II, in 1995 called our attention to Divine Mercy Sunday, the Sunday after Easter.  He said “In a special way, it is the Sunday of Thanksgiving for all the goodness that God has shown us in the whole Easter mystery.”

Brother Knights, you and yours are invited to the


This Holy Hour is special time of prayer, praise and thanksgiving to our Merciful Savior!  It begins at 3 pm on Mercy Sunday, May 1, in the church.  There will be song, prayerful time and quiet time.

In private revelation, Jesus told St. Maria Faustina: “The first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy.  On that day, all the Divine floodgates, through which graces flow, are opened.


The soul who will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.  There must also be acts of mercy.  I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me.


You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere.  You must not shrink from this or try to excuse or absolve yourself from it.  Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.”


Your prayers are needed – please come and participate with family and friends in the Holy Hour!


In addition to the promises of Jesus, the Holy See has granted a plenary indulgence (under the usual conditions) that may be gained by the faithful for themselves or be applied for a soul in purgatory.