Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Knight's Site Search

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

Following the 10:00 mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus on Palm Sunday, men from the parish journeyed to the Jesuit's Montserrat Retreat House in Lake Dallas TX for the two-day retreat.  There was a total of 34 men at the silent retreat with 28 from Sacred Heart, including 25 knights.   

The title of the retreat was The Manhood of Jesus of Nazareth, and the Retreat Master was Father Joe Tetlow S.J. a favorite among those men who had previously attended one of his retreats.  He was assisted by Father Edmundo Rodriguez..  Tom Yerina served as captain of the local group.

St. Alberto Hurtado S.J. stated, "Retreats are a call to our deepest generosity.  They do not move us through fear, nor do they try to frighten us.  Retreats are for souls that wish to go higher, and the higher the better."   A Montserrat retreat will ask you to look at your relationships with God and your   family, friends, Church, own life world, and own self.   It is a time of listening to the whispers of God, heard only when you grow quiet.

Along with parishioners Earl Ballard, Don Ritter, and Roger Witcraft, the following knights attended:
Jim Anderson, John Bodensteiner, Ron Boudreaux, Bob Brandt, Ed Cudworth, Ed Doyle, Pierre Faure, Marshall Garrison, Bill Hartnett, Bob Honzik, Ken Huber, Gerald Krawczynski, All Kuhn, Chuck MacDonald, Bill Maher, Hank Mathew, John Meehan, Dan Murphy, Bill Nosek, Milt Spaniel, Phil Stephenson, Tom Thornton, Wayne Winters, Tom Yerina, and Marvin Young.  

Next year's retreat is already scheduled for Palm Sunday, April 1-3.  Contact Tom Yerina or any of the other retreatants for more information and visit