Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Paula and Ed Doyle
Paula and Ed Doyle
We are proud to introduce our Family of the Month for December:  Sir Knight Ed Doyle and his lovely wife Paula.  

Paula is a Eucharistic minister, a perpetual Eucharistic adorer and served 2 years as its coordinator, is the adult education facilitator, a certified Spiritual Director, is on the LOSH Spiritual Committee, facilitates an inner-faith spiritual book club, volunteers for Special Olympics yearly, and is a Treasure Sales volunteer.  Whatever Knight’s function is afoot, you’ll find Paula supporting or helping in myriad capacities.  She’s truly a treasure. 

Ed does a good job trying to keep up with Paula!  He’s a perpetual Eucharistic adorer, a Eucharistic minister, a Jackson House volunteer, a Good Samaritan volunteer, participates in the Special Olympics village efforts, the Treasure Sale, ham sales, and the Memorial Mass and dinner. Last month he spent countless hours over two weeks doing our Council’s income taxes, is currently chasing down annual dues from our Council members, he’s prepared our new membership cards, and is tremendously involved in our membership recruiting efforts.  Ed is a key coordinator of our exemplification efforts, and manages and updates our Council rosters.  Ed is one of if not the main “Go To” Brother who gives our Worthy Grand Knight well needed advice, encouragement, and sane perspectives across the board of our endeavors.

Let us congratulate and celebrate Paula and Ed's contributions to this Council, Parish, and Community.
Jim and Pookie
Jim and Pookie
Our Council 10208 Family of the Month for November is Brother Knight Jim and his wife Pookie Dixon.  Besides helping with the Spaghetti dinner in October, volunteering for CPID collections, attending and contributing to the Diocese Taste of Faith in Little Rock and supporting and attending the Seminarian endowment dinner, Jim and Pookie took on the lower hall responsibilities for the Memorial Mass and Dinner coordinated by Buddy Dixon.  Their decorations, arrangements, volunteer hours, and organizational skills were exemplary; they are truly a fabulous team.  Jim was exemplified and Knighted only last month!  They have been with us for about a year, and in that short time have made a wonderful contribution to this Council, our Parish, and our community.

Let us congratulate Jim and Pookie on this great accomplishment.  It is certainly well deserved and I am sure that it will not be their last.

We proudly present the charming widows of our deceased Brother and Sir Knights as our OctoberFamily of the Month. We all no that no good deeds can be acomplished without the support of a loving spouse. These ladies epitomize what it means to be a Knights of Columbus Spouse.

Elsa Naeger
Elsa Naeger
Arlene Giedt
Arlene Giedt
Connie Cody
Connie Cody
Georgia Janush
Georgia Janush
Jackie Fayman
Jackie Fayman
Jackie Fayman
Jackie Fayman
Jean Dobes
Jean Dobes
Joan Hinken
Joan Hinken
Joanne Podraza
Joanne Podraza
Judie Pearson
Judie Pearson