Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Bob and Mary Anne Honzik
Bob and Mary Anne Honzik
Congratulations to Bob and Mary Anne Honzik for being our December Family of the Month for Council 10208! 

Upon retiring to the Village, Bob served on the POA Village Promotions Comittee, Chamber of Commerce, Stewardship for the Parish, the A & E Building Committee and fundraising for the new addition to our church. Bob has been on a 5-year app't by the Bishop as a Director on the Board of Diocesan Seminarian Fund. Bob helps in sponsoring the annual “Taste of Faith” for Seminarian Funding. Bob helped to develop plans in establishing the “House of Formation” in Little Rock.   He also helped to expand the House. Bob is a perpetual adoration member
Bob has served as Grand Knight for Council 10208 He attends the annual Men's Silent Retreat in Dallas He attends the annual Arkansas Catholic Men's conference. Bob and Mary Anne have worked together on many functions of the Knights. They both attend the Knight's annual retreat  in Subiaco They both have worked at the blind camp They both have worked on the annual fund raiser at our church for the Seminarian Fund. 

They supported and financed through the Parish and the Knights, a program, Walking With Karen, enabling a young Honduran girl to get a prothesis from Children's Hospital, Shreveport, LA. They both worked on the annual Dinner for celebrating the widows of our fallen Knights. They both care for Monsignor Malone and see that he is able to visit his beloved parish when possible to concelebrate and participate in some of our events They house and entertain individual seminarians when they have a “holiday” away from their studies

Mary Anne has worked with the POA in getting more people acquainted with the Village and retiring here.  She worked with the Chamber of Commerce, was a member on the Board and served as President of  the Village Community Foundation; has been a member of the Pastoral Committee; a Server and Eucharistic Minister and also served on the A & E Building Committee.  She is on a decorating committee for special holidays in our Parish and is an Associate Member of the Ladies of Sacred Heart. 
Mary Anne is on the parish bowling league and assists with various activities throughout the parish where an extra pair of hands is needed.   Sends birthday cards, get well cards and occasionally prepares food for parishioners recovering from surgery.

Ed & Mary Ann Miller
Ed & Mary Ann Miller
We are proud to introduce Ed and Mary Ann Miller as the November, 2015 Council 10208 Family of the Month!  Ed is well know in our council and the state, as he has been a past Grand Knight, past District Deputy for District 10, and a past Faithful Navigator.  While Ed was District Deputy, the District won The Star Honor Award all three years.  Ed also started the Kraemer Cheese sales in the south, with all of the proceeds going to the "Coats for Kids" program.  Ed is also the head of the Disaster Relief Team, a Mass server, and a member of the Perpetual Adoration team.

Mary Ann is also very active in the church, as well as supporting Ed greatly in all of his duties as a Knight.  She is a member of the church choir, serving as a past director, and a Mass Cantor.  She helped Ed start the Kraemer cheese program and is also a member of the Perpetual Adoration Team. 

Let's congratulate them both for a job well done!
2015 Oct Family
Ginny and Ray Ambrozich
Ray is an active member of 3rd Degree and 4th Degree Knights and Men's Club.  He is a Eucharist Minister and an officer in 4th Degree as Outer Guard for his third year.  He is a Perpetual Adoration sub, helps with ham sales, sells tickets for and helps with Fall Fest, and assists with the sale of Christmas cards.  He helped with the chicken bake and fish bake for Men's Club.   He supports CPID by collecting donations on Tootsie Roll days, participates in Subiaco February retreat, works at Special Olympics in Searcy and helps with various social functions in the parish.

Ray is active in the Disaster Relief Team, and serves in the Honor Guard for the Knights of Columbus and the Honor Guard in the VFW.  He helps with the meals and the socials for the homeless vets at St. Francis house in Little Rock.  He assists with the cleaning and maintaining of the Veterans memorial and with the treasure sale every other year.  He also takes part in Village Pride Day.

Gynnie  is a Eucharist Minister and has been a religious education teacher for the youth program for the past four years.  She is also an adoration sub.  She helps with the sale of Christmas cards and works on the treasure sale.  She is an active member of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and a past guild captain.

Gynnie volunteers on the funeral committee, helps with the Tootsie Roll donation collections and with the St. Frances House meals and the social events, and helps every year at the Special Olympics in Searcy.  She helped with the Fall Fest this year and assists at the various social functions in the parish.