Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Bowmans 10 6 15 Fam of Month
Ann and Bob Bowman receiving award from GK Gary Wolfer.
Bob is currently Advocate for the Council.  He has been active in ticket sales for the Fall Fest for several years and works on the Disaster Relief Team.   He volunteers with Habitat for Humanity in Hot Springs, usually going each Tuesday and Saturday morning.  Bob is an altar server and also a member of the Men's Club.  He volunteers with Mt Pine School's Gifted and Talented classes and teaches students in the chess program.  Bob is on the Right to Life Committee at Sacred Heart, is active in the 40 Days for Life by prayingat the Abortion Clinic in Little Rock and has coordinated the Crosses for Life set up at Sacred Heart.  

Ann serves as a Eucharistic Minister and is currently Secretary of Ladies of the Sacred Heart where she served as Captain of her Guild for the prior two years. She started the collection of 'pull tabs' through Ladies of Sacred Heart for the benefit of the Ronald MacDonald House Charity.
She is a very active member of Helping Hands and enjoys visiting with two elderly parishioners on a regular basis. She also sends daily emails to a 96-year old woman from our parish to help keep her in contact with Sacred Heart.   Ann is currently a member of the HSV POA Research and Special Projects Committee in the Village.

Bob is a member of the Life in the Spirit Friday prayer group and he and Ann help several times throughout the year to serve dinner at the Men's Samaritan House in Hot Springs. 
They are Perpetual Adorers for a weekday 2am - 3am time slot.  They bowl on Thursdays with the Sacred Heart Bowling where Annserved for three years as secretary of the league.

They have hosted Seminarian Karldy Isidor from Haiti in their home several times throughout the last four years to give him R & R from his studies.

Marna and Art Morissette accepting award from Gary Wolfer
Marna and Art Morissette accepting award from Gary Wolfer
Art: 1
st Degree March 2007;  3rd Degree January 2008; Communications / Meeting Publicist since 2008; Support Right to Life crosses every year; Support CPID via donations and on “tootsie roll” day; Participate in annual Men’s silent retreat; and, Altar server since 2008.

Marna: Saturday Usher; Active member of Ladies of Sacred Heart in Publicity, Former guild Captain, Member of fashion show committee; Volunteer on funeral committee; and, Active in many neighborhood support activities.

Both: Annual participants in Village Cancer Walk; Co-chair of SHJ Welcome Committee; Perpetual Adoration Substitutes; Develop and publish quarterly newsletter for 70-home neighborhood; Participate in Couples Retreat at Subiaco; Treasure Sale Publicity committee / and intake volunteer

Other: VP (2 years) / President (2 years) Computer Club of Hot Springs Village (500+ members); Usher substitute for Saturday anticipation mass when not altar server; Designer and caretaker of neighborhood entry sign area

Jack and Barbara Wallisch accept certificate from Gary Wolfer.
Jack and Barbara Wallisch accept certificate from Gary Wolfer.
For the past several years, Jack has worked in the kitchen for most of the dinners and all of the breakfasts.  He has participated in CPID, and he sings in the choir at the 5:00 Saturday mass.

Barbara also sings in the 5:00pm Saturday choir and lectors at 8:00 mass.  She is a member of St. Anthony Guild and volunteers at the Rice Depot and the Mountain Pine School.  She helps with funeral receptions with her guild.  In past years, she has helped organize and pack boxes of angel gifts for needy families at Christmas time.