Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Feggler family of month
Feggler family of month
Council 10208 is proud to award Bib and Karen Feckler as our March, 2016, Family of the Month!

Karen and Bob moved to Hot Springs Village from Arizona a little over two years ago.  Since they were both retired, they quickly immersed themselves in the local activities.  Bob joined the Knights of Columbus and the Men’s club of Sacred Heart Church.  He assist in the kitchen when needed, serves as a waiter at Mens Club fundraisers, has sold tootsie rolls for one of the fundraisers and is a member of the Disaster Relief Team.  Bob has also helped with ticket sales for Christmas/Easter hams and Fish Fry’s.  He enjoys being a member of the Hot Spring Village Players and assists in set building.

Karen is a Lector, Eucharistic Minister and a member of the St. Monica Ladies Guild.  She volunteers when extra money counters are needed and both Karen and Bob are memebers of the Pereptual Adoraction Team.  Karen also volunteers at Good Samaritan and National Park Medical Center.  As a volunteer for NPMC, she became involved in the annual Heart Association Ball and worked for many hours putting together decorations and both have contributed handmade silent auctio items.  Karen is Vice President of the HSV Players and an active thespian, taking part in the Mobster themed dinner theater put on last year at Sacred Heart. 

Let us all congratulate Bob and Karen for all they do!
Jaimie and Susie Cardenas Feb Family of Month
Jaimie and Susie Cardenas Feb Family of Month
Please join us all in honoring Jamie and Susie Cardenas as our Febursary, 2016 Family of the Month for Council 10208!

Some of Jamie's many activities include, being a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Men's Club; serving at 8:00am mass; being a Euchristic Minister at 8:00am mass; participating as a Perpetual Adoration adorer; helping and serving dinners for different events; serving dinner at Samaritan Ministries; serving lunch at Jackson House; organizing and distributing Christmas toys and gifts for children at Jackson House; collecting donations for CPID; and, assisting with the Treasure Sale.

Susie is a member of the All Saints Guild within the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and participates in a number of activities, including: being an adorer in the Perpetual Adoration ministry; serving as a Eucharistic Minister at 8:00am mass; helping and serving dinners for events; serving dinner at Samaritan Ministries and lunch at Jackson House; organizing and distributing Christmas toys and gifts for children at Jackson House; and, working at the Treasure Sale.

Let us all congratulate Jamie and Susie for a job well done!
Marvin and Lucy Young Family of the Month
Marvin and Lucy Young Family of the Month
At our regular membership meeting we selected  Marvin and Lucy Young as our January Family of the Month for Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village. 

Both Marvin and Lucy are Perpetual Eucharistic  Adorers.  Marvin is an extraordinary Eucharistic Minister.  Both work at Jackson House,  Knights Senior Food program, Meals on Wheels in November and February. Help with the Sacred Heart Christmas Baskets, prepare meals at Samaritan Ministries with the Men's Club. Lucy is a Rose Lady and Marvin ushers at the Mass for Life. Marvin is a member of Sacred Heart Family Assistance committee, where he helps many struggling families get back on track to leading a successful, dignity filled life. Lucy is a member of St Monica's guild at LOSH. Lucy also has the extremely difficult task of maintaining the file records of all of the clients at the Jackson House.

Let's congratulate Marvin and Lucy when we see them, and tell them how much we really appreciate all that they do for our Council, our Parish, and our Community!