Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Bill Butler
  • Tony Cifelli
  • Jim Cone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Clyde Porterfield
  • Don Prescott
  • Don Ritter
  • Del Scheid
  • Robert Steinpreis
  • Richard Wille
  • Gordon Wilson

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Welcome to our new Sir Knights! Fifteen brothers received their 4th Degree certificates at the Assembly meeting on April 27th, 2021.

New Sir Knights
New Sir Knights

Pictured above from left to right Front Row: John Szczepaniak, Don Glinka, George Byrnes, Bill Taylor, and Jim Calvery
Back Row:  Dave Sprecher, Mike Webster, and Randy Reed.

Not pictured are Warren Conrad, John Weidert, Rob Bowers, Jerry Bielinski, Bob Mierzwiak, Jaime Cardenas and Don Dierks.

Please join us in congratulating them on their advancement into the Patriotic Degree of Knighthood.


Fr Victor A Bieberle
Fr Victor A Bieberle

Fr. Victor A. Bieberle full story video that was made by Sir Knight Bob Honzik is now available for viewing. The entire movie is just over 35 minutes long. It's new permenant home is on this website by clicking PHOTO'S on the top menu and down to Video. Click on 'THE LIFE of FATHER VIC BIEBERLE'.

OR - Click Here
The Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly #2316, Hot Springs Village, AR celebrated Columbus Day in a very patriotic way!

Sir Knights festooned the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church early in the morning by posting over 60 large American Flags around the church facilities. They then gathered together in church to say the Madjugorie  "Patriotic Rosary"  for the consecration of our nation, followed by morning Mass.  


The Assembly Faithful Friar, Fr. Bill Elser, led the rosary, with past and current Faithful Navigators leading each decade. Over 85 Knights, wives and parishioners were present to join in either prayers and/or the morning Mass.

Thanks to Tom Donnelly for the article and pictures.
Welcome to our new Sir Knights! Fourteen brothers became 4th Degree members at the ‘virtual’ Province Exemplification on Saturday, 29 August. Congratulations to: Jerry Bielinski, Rob Bowers, George Byrnes, Jaime Cardenas, Warren Conrad, Don Dierks, Don Glinka, Robert Mierzwiak, Randy Reed, Dave Sprecher, John Szczepaniak, Bill Taylor, Mike Webster, and John Weidert.  They will receive their baldrics, certificates, ID cards, nametags, and pins at our next Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, October 27th. Please join us in congratulating them on their advancement into the Patriotic Degree of Knighthood.

Please welcome Fourteen new Brother Knights who became Sir Knights on August 29, 2020.

Congratulations to:
  • Jerry Bielinski
  • Rob Bowers
  • George Byrnes
  • Jaime Cardenas
  • Warren Conrad
  • Don Dierks
  • Don Glinka
  • Robert Mierzwiak
  • Randy Reed
  • Dave Sprecher
  • John Szczepaniak
  • Bill Taylor
  • Mike Webster
  • John Weidert
Be sure to attend the next Assembly Meeting on October 27th to see our Sir Knights receive their baldrics, certificates, ID cards, nametags, and pins.


Assembly 2316 had it's General Monthly Meeting on August 25th, 2020.  Here are the highlights from the meeting.  Please click on the website under the meetings tab then meeting minutes for a more detailed report.

Fr. Bill commented on a book, written by the bishops he received in the mail that provided details on the church may or may not do during an election.  He stated he will be putting a summary of the booklet in the bulletin sometime prior to the Election in November.

As always, social distancing and mask protocols were in place during the meeting.  In honor of Jim's tremendous Catholic Service to the Parish, the Council and the Assembly, thirty one Knight's and ten of the Knight's wives were among over Eighty attendees during the service.  The Assembly unanimously decided to send Jim's wife, Libby a certificate of Condolence.

It was noted that Sir Knight Frank Benda paid for the evening dinner and that he will celebrate his Golden Anniversary of 50 years next year on April 1 as a Knight of Columbus.

Assembly 2316 has been nominated to receive the "Large Assembly of the Year Award" for Arkansas 2019-2020.  Former FN, Gary Wolfer, has been requested to send all pertinent information required to the Arkansas District Master validating the Assemblies eligibility.  In appreciation of his work as Faithful Navigator for the past two years, FN Gary was presented a Plaque from our current FN Tom Donnelly.

Gary Wolfer receiving appreciation Award for his great work as FN from Tom Donnelly
Gary Wolfer receiving appreciation Award for his great work as FN from Tom Donnelly

Rick Darnell was the recipient of an Award of Merit for his many contributions.  Not only has he served as the Inner Sentenial for the past two years, he also frequently helped collect meeting funds, check membership cards and usher members into the meeting room.  Not only that, he developed spreadsheets, coordinated the Audio Visual expertise, created documents and was most valuable in assisting the FN in many communication efforts.  Rick is always willing to offer support and any area needed.
First Trustee Gary Wolfer presenting Award of Merit to Rick Darnell
First Trustee Gary Wolfer presenting Award of Merit to Rick Darnell

Bill Patterson was the recipient of the Award of Merit for his service as Color Corp Commander for the last several years.  Bill is rightfully honored by First Trustee Gary Wolfer for his service under Gary's tenure as FN.  Bill has been doing this many years and his duties were many.  He was always available to coordinate funerals, exemplifications, standing guard, processions, assure uniform requirements were met, reviewed venue expectations, led drill and practice sessions and reviewed the many Color and Honor Guard requests from our parish, Brother Sir Knight's family member and of our church.
Award of Merit presentation to Sir Knight Bill Patterson by First Trustee Gary Wolfer
Award of Merit presentation to Sir Knight Bill Patterson by First Trustee Gary Wolfer

An Award of Merit went to Sam Justus for serving as the Faithful Comptroller through no fewer that five administrations.  His many duties included were maintaining records, preparing audits, collecting monies due the assembly, keeping accounts of charges and receipts, issuance of membership cards, notification of supreme relative to Assembly exemplifications, deaths transfers, reinstatements, etc.

Tuesday June 30, 2020 installation of officers for the 2020/2021 year. All attending were wearing masks and social distancing due to the Corona Virus. Officers and their wives were at the brief Mass and installation. After Mass Sir Knight Jeff Priore, District Manager did the official swearing in of officers with Faithful Friar Fr. Bill Elser. 

Congratulations to all.

November 11, 2019 was a celebration for our Deceased and Living Veteran’s for so unselfishly giving their all with some making the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom in this great country.

A Patriotic Rosary was held with Five of our Brother Knights reading patriotic quotes as part of the Rosary.  Fr. Bill then held a Mass for our Vets and afterwards, there was a recognition of sacrifices and service by our Veterans in the Upper Hall. 


A very nice assortment of pastries, fruit, coffee and juices were served with one table and place setting for those Veteran’s that did not return from Duty.
God Bless the Veteran’s and the United States of America where freedom truly reigns

Place Setting for those that have given the Ultimate Sacrifice
Place Setting for those that have given the Ultimate Sacrifice
Information for this article was provided by Michael P. Kerwin.

On Thursday September 19, 2019 the St. Francis team coordinated by the 4th Degree assembly and American Legion Post 123 sponsored a Social with finger food for the Vets at St. Francis House.

28 Veterans, 6 staff and 9 volunteers were present.  The finger food was provided by many team members from both the Assembly and the American Legion.

As you can see in the photo, there was plenty of food and a good time was had by all.
As you can see in the photo, there was plenty of food and a good time was had by all.

Pictured above is Vivian (on the right) and her sister, Ann standing in front of the American Flag Vivian hand sewn and presented it to the St. Francis House on June 14, 2018.
Pictured above is Vivian (on the right) and her sister, Ann standing in front of the American Flag Vivian hand sewn and presented it to the St. Francis House on June 14, 2018.

Mission of the St. Francis House

The mission of St. Francis House is to provide a means of addressing the diverse, critical needs of the under-served, which are not addressed by others in the community.

History of the St. Francis House
Opened in 1970 as a social outreach of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas.
In 1975 under a Title XX contract with Arkansas Social Services, a
licensed social worker was hired to administer a social program.
In 1980 St. Francis House was relocated to its current location at 2701 South Elm Street.
In 1988 a new Re-Entry program was contracted with the Veterans Administration to serve as a transitional program for homeless Veterans that St. Francis House and American Legion Post 123 supports.
Facility Description
The facility is a mix of dormitory and single room occupancy. In addition, there are three family rooms and a self-contained area for female residents. The facility is authorized by the VA to house a maximum of 45 Veterans at any one time. The average attendance in
the past 2 years is between 30 to 35 Veterans. This does not include dependents such as spouses and/or children.

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