Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Michael Arms
  • Frank Benda
  • Jim Bergstrom
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Bill Butler
  • Tom Donnelly
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Don Prescott
  • Don Ritter
  • Robert Steinpreis
  • Bishop Anthony Taylor
  • Richard Wille
  • Gordon Wilson
  • Marvin Young

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Over 100 celebrated Valentine's at the Dinner Dance sponsored by the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316. The meal prepared by Chef Johnna, excellent, Music by Marcus Suggs outstanding. All in attendance enjoyed the Fellowship, Food, Music and Dance. Many had fun by "Cutting the Rug".

Many Thanks go to the many Sir and Brother Knights who planed, setup, and cleaned up, for this fantastic event. Also cudos to the event decorator, Marty Schnoebelen.
To see all the Photos and Videos of this Great Event, Click Here:

IMG 5964
IMG 5964

The 4th Degree Assembly 2316, Sir Knights served an early Thanksgiving meal to the homeless vets at St Francis House in Little Rock. A lot of Sir Knights volunteered food, time, or money to ensure there would be more than enough food.

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IMG 5961

Congratulations to the 2022/2023 Officers team installed on June 28th at a special dinner event.

Friar – Father Bill Elser
Navigator – Randy Schnoebelen
Captain – John Weidert
Comptroller – Bill Patterson
Purser – Bob Kulas
Pilot – Steve Schramer
Admiral – Dave Witchger
Scribe – Larry Gremillion
Inside Sentinel – Tom Conrad
Outside Sentinel – Ted Otero
First Trustee – Ed Doyle
Second Trustee – Tom Donnelly
Third Trustee – Gary Wolfer
Color Corps Commander – Gary Wolfer
Membership Chairman – Ed Doyle
Flags Forever Chairman – Russ Harrison

2022 2023 4th Degree leadership
2022 2023 4th Degree leadership
Tom Donnelly receives awards for Assembly 2316 for 2020/2021.
Star Assembly 2020/2021
Civic Award Oct.1, 2021
Assembly of the year 2020/2021

Star Assembly 2020 2021
Star Assembly 2020 2021


Civic Award 10 1 2021
Civic Award 10 1 2021

Civic Award 10 1 2021
Civic Award 10 1 2021

Left to right are Michael Bert, John Sagan, Mike Ritch, Larry Bauer and Joe Russell
Left to right are Michael Bert, John Sagan, Mike Ritch, Larry Bauer and Joe Russell

Faithful Navigator Ed Doyle (right) poses with five new Sir Knights who received their 4th Degree pins at our January  25th assembly meeting. Left to right are Michael Bert, John Sagan, Mike Ritch, Larry Bauer, and Joe Russell.

Congratulations gentlemen!
Walter and Judy Free show off some of their dance moves.
Walter and Judy Free show off some of their dance moves.

On Saturday, December 4th, our Assembly 2316 held its annual St, Nicholas Dinner Dance. The delicious dinner was catered by Home Plate and musical entertainment was supplied by the great Marcus Sugg. All 89 attendees had a fabulous time.

Click here for many more pictures!!

Dessert was served just before the dancing began.
Dessert was served just before the dancing began.

4th Degree Sir Knights receive certificates 2021
4th Degree Sir Knights receive certificates 2021

The following Sir Knights attanded the October 26th Assembly meeting held in the lower Hall of Sacred Heart Church to receive their Certificates acknowledging they are 4th Degree Knights Of Columbus Sir Knights. 

The attendees are:
Front row Left to Right. 
Don LeVac
Mike Ritch
Jack Timmons
Michael Bert
John Sagan
Back row Left to Right. 
Joe Russell
Mark Lukasavige
Larry Bauer

We wish congratulations to all new Sir Knights and look forward to seeing them participating in many of our upcoming events. 

Thanks, Ed

Luncheon for the 61 Attendees
Luncheon for the 61 Attendees

On Saturday, October 16th, Assembly 2316 hosted a Fourth Degree Exemplification elevating 19 Knights to Sir Knights in the Lower Hall . The ceremony was conducted by the exemplification team; Past State Deputy Roy Anderle, Arkansas Master Jeff Priore, Sir Knights Jim Palmer, Tom Yerina, Russell Tessier, Mike Kerwin.

Special guest: State Deputy Alan Halman along with 61 guests in attendance with Father Ravi Rayappa Gudipalli as the honoree of the exemplification. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Assembly 2316 hosted a luncheon and Sir Knight Tom Donnelly served a
superb spaghetti meal that was enjoyed by all.

Swearing in the New Sir Knights
Swearing in the New Sir Knights

Congratulations New Sir Knights
Congratulations New Sir Knights

Arkansas District Master Jeff Priore (standing far right) poses with the newly exemplified Sir Knights. This group included thirteen from Assembly 2316.
They are:
Bill Lamoureux
Michael Downes
Gavin Kelsey
Mark Lukasavige
Jack Timmons
Bob Bowman
Larry Bauer 
Keith Buchanan
Joe Russell
John Sagan
Michael Bert
Don LeVac
Mike Ritch