Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Bill Butler
  • Tony Cifelli
  • Jim Cone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Clyde Porterfield
  • Don Prescott
  • Don Ritter
  • Del Scheid
  • Robert Steinpreis
  • Richard Wille
  • Gordon Wilson

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A very special night at the Desoto Club in Hot Springs Village, as the new Officers for Assembly 2316, for the Fraternal year 2016-2017 were installed. 

In front of fellow Sir Knights and their wives, the new Officers were all sworn in and received the jewels of their office. A delicious meal was provided by Chef Johanna and her staff, and much fellowship and enjoyment was had by all.

Let us keep all of these men in our prayers, that they may faithfully execute the duties of thier office, bring honor to Assembly 2316, and Glory to Christ in everyrhing they do. 
Our Newest Sir Knight!
Our Newest Sir Knight!
Let's all congratulate our newest Sir Knight Ed Harrigan.  Here, Ed is pictured receiving his 4th Degree Rosary from Faithful Navigator Michael Kerwin at the April 26 membership meeting.  Ed was exemplified in Jacksonville on April 2, 2016.  He was accompanied by Sir Knights, Sam Justus and Ray Ambrozich.

The annual St. Nicholas Party was held December 4, 2015 in the lower hall. there were 131 people signed up including Sir Knights and wives, widows and guests.  Chef Tom Donnelly and his team put together a wonderful prime rib dinner, with a delicious pumpkin cheescake desert.  The "Village Strings" provided the entertainment with wonderful renditions of instrumental classics.  A toast to St. Nicholas was made using a special Hungarian Liquor.  The evening concluded with a recognition of recent 4th degree Sir Knights, and an appearance by that jolly Ole St Nick himself, bearing gifts for all of the ladies.  Monsignor Malone was also presented with a special award, and the night was finished with a St. Nicholas prayer by Fr Bill.

Indeed a wonderful night of fellowship and celebration of a special Saint. a good time was had by all.

Pictured (l-r): Dallas and Mary Erdman, Tom Durant, Jim Gruenewald, Father Bill Elser, and Dave Johnston.
Pictured (l-r): Dallas and Mary Erdman, Tom Durant, Jim Gruenewald, Father Bill Elser, and Dave Johnston.
Flag Day 2015 was observed on Sunday, June 14.  It was hosted in the Village by Assembly 2316 in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.  Particiopants included the American Legion, VFW, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

The event began at 3:00pm with the recitation of the Patriotic Rosary in the nave led by Father Bill and Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer.  Prior to the rosary, the colors were posted in the sanctuary by Honor Guard members Larry Cruz, Bill Nosek, and Bill Patterson.

The program in the lower hall began at 3:45 with a social and refreshments.  There were approximately 120 people in attendance.  Sam Justus sold 50/50 tickets, and Ron Cuba handled the refresment center.  Faithful Navigator Dave Johnston was the emcee and opened the program at 4:15 with a welcome.  Members of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) posted the colors.  Commander of the American Legion Tom Durant led the Pledge of Allegiance and Tom North, member of the Assembly and the American Legion, sang the National Anthem.

Garry Berry gave some background on the flier produced in competition by students at the Jessieville and Fountain Lakes High Schools.  He then introduced the leaders of the service organizations: Dallas and Mary Erdman of the VFW; Tom Durant, Commander of the American Legion Post 123; and Jim Gruenewald, Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.  Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Dave Johnston, 2014-2015 Assembly 2316 Faithful Navigator, were also recognized and thanked.

A short video documentary was shown about the battle that prompted Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner song.  Father Bill closed the program with a prayer of thanksgiving and a blessing of the food.

A delicious buffet dinner consisting of sloppy Joe sandwiches, Cole slaw, and pasta salad was prepared and donated by Bill and Mary Lou George with assistance from Anna Suttor and Jaime and Susie Cardenas.   Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich along with Dave and Helen Struthers helped with preparing the hall.  Members of the service organizations complemented the meal with an excellent array of desserts   The 5/50 donations netted $125 for the Assembly's flag program and awarded monetary prizes of $3, $38,nd $25 for the winners.

The event concluded with the showing of the movie, The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson. About 15 peole stayed for the movie and enjoyed Father Bill's ice cream at intermission.

Pictures of the observance can be viewed by clicking Photos.  

The Vet's Dinner on March 26 seemed a success.  As usual, Julie Schaffer and Ken Mace coordinated the St. Francis House support, while the Assembly prepared this dinner. They arranged the schedule, set up the dining area, activated the kitchen, provided ice and water, and other consumable or expendable material. They are truly a pleasure to work with.

Mike Kerwin coordinated with the American Legion, VFW, the 4th Degree Knights, et. al. Mike and Ruth pulled the affair together; they arranged transportation, elicited volunteers to provide baked beans and desserts, helped set up and serve the dinner, as well as many other actions to ensure a well delivered event.

The menu included 120 grilled foot-long hot dogs from Ed Miller's Coats For Kids project. They were a huge success. Of course, the Assembly provided all-the-fixin's--buns, chili, saurkraut, cheese, onions, relish, ketchup, mustard, horse-radish, hot sauce, potato chips, and pickle spears. "Chili Dogs" seemed the menu-of-choice, followed by the "Coney Island" everything-on-it fare! Six brother knights provided the baked beans, while another provided potato salad for 60. There were plenty of great desserts. The punch and bottled water from St. Francis House were augmented with 72 soda pops--Sprite, Dr Pepper, and Coke--which quickly disappeared!

Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich again showed up early, stayed late, and did their typical and outstanding culinary magic from cooking, warming, organizing, serving, etc., right through cleanup. Their enthusiasm, charitable attitudes, expertise, acumen, and energy motivate everyone.

There were 54 vets who dined. The food disappeared with only a single ladle of chili, a couple spoonfuls of potato salad, and 17 buns left. The few desserts and potato chips leftover probably disappeared before the volunteers hit Hwy 30 coming home. Over a dozen vets made a point to approach Tom Donnelly and several others to extend their thanks, appreciation, and compliments for the dinner.

Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism were all at work. Being a small part of this effort is a pleasure. Incidently, this event was served at "no cost" to the Assembly.  The funds collected in excess of the cost for the February meeting meal totally paid for this dinner.

Monsignor Malone and Father Elser
Monsignor Malone and Father Elser
The Assembly held a St Patrick's Day dinner as its March event.  The evening was coordinated by Mike Kerwin  There were approximately 90 attendees, including sir knights and their spouses, widows of sir knights, and a few invited guests with the consummate Irishman Monsignor Malone as a special guest.

The evening started with mass at 5:00pm followed by a social with beverages of all types provided by the Assembly 2316 Irish Pub. A wonderful meal consisting of Irish soda bread, garden salad, all-you-can-eat Mulligan stew, and carrot cake dessert was coordinated by Tom Donnelly.  Mike Kerwin provided a short history of St. Patrick and St. Patrick’s Day.

Steve Fetcko on keyboard directed a music program with tenor Kenny McKay singing Danny Boy and Maureen Morgan singing a number of Irish favorites including a ditty she wrote for Monsignor Malone. Following a group sing along, the program concluded with a duet featuring Maureen and Kenny. However, Monsignor would not let Maureen off of the stage until she sang his special request, Ave Maria, because he “loves the way she sings it.” She complied by singing it beautifully without accompaniment.

The program concluded with the awarding of best dressed woman and man in Irish attire. Martha Yerina and Lloyd Cambria were selected with Martha receiving a bottle of Brady‘s Irish Cream and Lloyd a bottle of Jamison Irish Whiskey. Last but not least, Monsignor Malone was presented a green mosaic Irish Celtic Cross made by Jim Dyar.  

Primary assistance to Mike Kerwin was provided by Tom Donnelly, Steve Fetcko, Sam Justus, and Ron Cuba.

Pictures of the event can be viewed by clicking on PHOTOS.

On Monday, February 2, the American Legion, Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, and the VFW hosted a social for the veterans at St. Francis House.  Food at the social included Subway sandwiches for 18 provided by the VFW, a variety of sandwiches, fruit, vegetables and dip, cheese spread, cheese, summer sausage, crackers, deviled eggs, and a variety of brownies and cookies.

A total of 42 vets and four children were served.  Contributors in addition to the
VFW and Ann Penwell included American Legion volunters Anna Meaux, Jim Gruenewald, and Garry Berry with the following from the Knights of Columbus: Kerwins, Suttors, Donnellys, Voriseks, Ambrozichs, Mabuses, Krawczynskis, Pattersons, Terry Theisen, and Garsteckis.

Pictures of the evening can be viewed at PHOTOS.
DJ Monic Morgan
DJ Monic Morgan
This year, a St. Nicholas Dinner Dance was hosted by the Assembly in the Sacred Heart of Jesus’ lower hall on Saturday, December 6. Russ Harrison served as the event chair, and he also processed the $25 per person reservation requests. The evening began with a donation refreshment center during the social hour followed by dinner at 6:00 and dancing at 7:00. The party was enjoyed by 100 attendees dressed in “after 5” attire.

The meal was prepared and served by the Home Plate staff under the direction of Rich Wittman. The menu offered three entrée choices served at the table – Chateaubriand in burgundy sauce or pork loin with apricot glaze or roast turkey breast with gravy. These options were complemented with Caesar salad, au gratin potatoes, asparagus, rolls, coffee, tea, and assorted desserts.

The disc jockey was Monica Morgan, who delighted the dancers with her excellent array of music, and she responded to their requests as well. 

The publicity flier was designed by Carolyn Bodensteiner, and the following people set up and decorated the lower hall for the event:  Lori Bussone , Mike Garstecki, Mike Garstecki, Bill Gribbon, Russ Harrison, Dave Johnston, Ed Miller, Terry & JoAnn O’Brien, Jim Passe, and Jack & Pat Widlowski.  Ed Miller’s daughter, Karen, and son-in-law, Richard, who traveled from Shreveport LA, were a big help with the lighting. Refreshment center duties were handled by Ron Cuba and Dan Dilieto.

Check out the pictures by clicking Photos.