Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Bill Butler
  • Tony Cifelli
  • Jim Cone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Clyde Porterfield
  • Don Prescott
  • Don Ritter
  • Del Scheid
  • Robert Steinpreis
  • Richard Wille
  • Gordon Wilson

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Knights Dave Johnston and Scott Krantz (from left) along with American Legion members stand ready to serve the Thanksgiving dinner.
Knights Dave Johnston and Scott Krantz (from left) along with American Legion members stand ready to serve the Thanksgiving dinner.
On Thursday evening, November 20, under the leadership of knight Tom Donnelly, Assembly 2316 provided a wonderful early Thanksgiving dinner to veterans currently living at St. Francis House in Little Rock.  Approximately 45 residents were served (including three children).

The dinner included turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, beans almandine, and rolls.  The dessert, consisting primarily of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, was provided by members of the American Legion.

In addition to Tom, knights included Scott Krantz, Dave Johnston, and Mike Kerwin.  American Legion members: were Tom & Sandi Durant, Dallas & Mary Erdman, Anna Meaux, and Lenny Petterson.

Since the only food remaining after the meal concluded was a few pieces of pie, everyone seemed to have enjoyed  the feast.

At 5:30pm on Monday, October 6, a number of Village volunteers hosted a social for the vets at St Francis House in Little Rock.  The particpating residents included 23 men, five women and three children.  The volunteers represented: VFW - Jim and Bev Albright, Lew Ake and Rich Croson; American Legion - Jim Gruenewald, Anna Meaux and Garry Barry; Knights of Columbus - Mike and Ruth Kerwin, Gynnie and Ray Ambrozich, Tom Donnelly, Bill George, and Lanny and Kathy Mabus; and, Sacred Heart of Jesus - Rosemary Monarque.  Tom and Eileen Coburn also volunteered.

Knights providing food but not in attendance: Dave Johnston, Mike Garstecki, Jack Widlowski, Ed Keearns, Anna (Carl) Suttor, Mike Murphy, and Bill Patterson.

The starting time will continue to be 5:30pm with the next social on Monday, December 1.

Pictures from the evening can be viewed at Photos.
Dick Antoine
Dick Antoine
At the September 30 membership meeting, Faithful Navigator Dave Johnston introduced the guest speaker, Dick Antoine, who hosts KZNG’s (1340 AM) live morning show, “Talk of the Town,” which primarily targets listeners 40 and older. He interviews community leaders and other local newsmakers. The program airs 7:00-9:00 am weekdays out of Hot Springs.

Dick talked about the Garland County United Way and the 19 agencies and 21 activities it supports. Unfortunately, while the demand for services increases, public support for United Way has decreased significantly in the last decade. It had been receiving about $500,000 each year, but donations dropped to $350,000 last year. The goal for 2014-2015 has been set at $400,000.

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Honor Guard (l-r) Bill Nosek, Bill Patterson, and Phil Carl
Honor Guard (l-r) Bill Nosek, Bill Patterson, and Phil Carl
On June 14, the Assembly hosted the Village Flag Day Ceremony in the Lower Hall of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church for the third consecutive year. This event was held in conjunction with the VFW, American Legion, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.  Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution were also in attendance.

The Patriotic Rosary was recited at 10:00am in the nave.  A reception followed at 11:00 in the Lower Hall. Approximately 170 people attended the reception and program. The tables in the lower hall were decorated in a patriotic theme with red, white, and blue table coverings, Knights of Columbus place mats, and American flag centerpieces. Food, consisting of finger sandwiches, fruit and vegetable trays, deviled eggs, various breads and desserts, iced tea and coffee was prepared by the widows of Fourth Degree Knights and members of American Legion.  Knight widows Jean Dobes and Jackie Fayman coordinated food donations, serving, and clean-up.

Highlights of the program included:
Mike Kerwin: Program Coordinator and Master of Ceremonies - WELCOME ADDRESS

Father Bill Elser: Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus - OPENING PRAYER

American Legion and VFW Honor Guard: POSTING OF THE COLORS

Garry Berry: American Legion - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE

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The 35 vets at St. Francis
Jim Gruenewald serving the vets.
Jim Gruenewald serving the vets.
House on Monday, June 30, were the beneficiaries of a very successful social offered by  the Assembly and spouses as well as members of military vet organizations. Those in attendance included: knights Tom Donnelly, Bill George, Mike and Ruth Kerwin, Rosemary Monarque, Mike and Vicki Murphy, and Bill Nosek; and VFW members Jim Albright, Rich Croson, Rick Martin, and Doug Reed; and, American Legion member Jim Gruenewald.  Also volunteering was Tom Coburn.  Not in attendance, but providing food were knights/spouses Mike and Darlene Garstecki, Bill and Diane Patterson, Lanny and Kathy Mabus, and Jim and Marge Vorisek.

The food and camaraderie at the social were excellent. Just two weeks ago there were 50 vets at the House. Ken Mace, the assistant director, stated that the stays are becoming shorter, as they are having good success in finding affordable housing for the vets.

The knights are entering their third year of working with the vets at St Francis House, following an invitation by VFW coordinator Jim Albright, who has been involved for four or more years. Jim also serves as the liaison with the American Legion and Purple Heart organizations.  The combined group of volunteers consist of about 50 members.  However, this is a community-wide program, and anyone interested should contact Mike Kerwin.

Tom Donnelly, coordinator the meal program, has scheduled a summer barbecue at St. Francis House on Thursday, July 31, and all volunteers are always welcome, even though not signed up for dinners and special events.  Cooking skills are not needed!

Go to PHOTOS to view pictures of the social.
Bill Welch and Dave Johnston
Bill Welch and Dave Johnston
The installation of officers for the 2014-2015 fraternal year was held on Tuesday evening, May 27.  Former Faithful Navigator and District 10 Deputy Ed Miller took the place of Arkansas Master Russ Anzalone in conducting the installation.

Spouses were invited to attend and widows were guests.  Knights were dressed in full regalia.  The awards and the installation ceremony were preceded by a $13 per plate dinner with the following menu:  Caesar salad, crusted Parmesan chicken breast, Florentine tomato and shell pasta in a sun dried tomato with Tiramisu and lady fingers for dessert.

The meeting began with awards announced and presented by Faithful Navigator Bill Welch:

Appreciation Award to Phil Carl "For all of your work over the years."
     One of the backbones of the St Francis House Project, co-chair of the CPID project, and Honor Guard member, to name just a few of the many activities you have undertaken during this period of your life, we all wish you happiness in the next phase of your life.

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For the third consecutive year, the American Legion, Knights of Columbus Assembly, VFW, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart will be hosting a Flag Day Celebration on Saturday, June 14, at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in the Village. The program will include a Patriotic Rosary at 10:00am in the main body of the church followed by a reception and program in the lower hall starting at 11:00.  These are independent events.  You can attend both or either one.

The doors to the lower hall will be opened at 10:00am. The reception will include free finger food, coffee, and ice tea which should be enough food to make a good lunch.  As part of the program, Dennis Zymboly will have a display of various flags located on the stage area of the lower hall.  The display can be viewed both before the formal program starts at 11:00 and immediately after completion. Dennis will be available to describe the flags and their history.

The program will be similar in format to the last two years and will feature a musical celebration of our flag.  During the program, the Sons of the American Revolution will be recognizing one of the Village organizations for patriotic contributions to the Village.  To help support the Knights of Columbus “Flags Forever” program, a 50/50 drawing will be held.  Tickets will be on sale at both entryways to the lower hall.  Three prizes will be paid.  Seating will be limited to the first 200 arrivals.  The formal program will last approximately one hour.
Phil Carl (l) and Ron Boudreaux standing guard at the vigil.
Phil Carl (l) and Ron Boudreaux standing guard at the vigil.
Bishop Emeritus Andrew J. McDonald, 90, the former bishop of the Diocese of Little Rock for 28 years, died April 1, 2014 at St. Joseph Home for the Elderly in Palatine, IL after months of declining health.  He was the fifth bishop of the diocese, serving from 1972 to 2000.  

Many important diocesan ministries were started during his tenure.  However, he considered his most significant experience to be a visit to Little Rock in 1982 by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta  during which she agreed to send sisters to run Abba House (an annual beneficiary of Council 10208's charity since 2010). 
The vigil service with rosary for Bishop McDonald was held Monday, April 7 at the Cathedral of St Andrew in Little Rock. It was followed by an all-night vigil during which the Cathedral remained open for prayer and visitation. The Mass of Christian Burial and interment was celebrated at the Cathedral on Tuesday, April 8.

Assembly 2316 was represented by a total of 10 Sir Knights who participated in the Vigil  and the Mass of Christian Burial.  Standing guard from 4:00-5:00am were Ron Boudreaux, Phil Carl, Bob Heisler, and Tom Yerina; from 6:00-7:00am were Bill Patterson, Jack Griffin, Mike Kerwin, and Ed Miller.  In addition, Bill, Jack, Mike, and Ed were joined by Gerald Krawczynski and Bill Nosek as part of the 16-member Honor Guard at the Mass.  All of the knights thought it was a great experience to participate in these ceremonies for Bishop McDonald.