Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Kulas Knight of the Month Feb 18
Kulas Knight of the Month Feb 18
The Knight of the Month for February 2018 is Bob Kulas. 

Bob transferred into our Council not too long ago and hit the deck running.  He has become very active in the parish liturgical ministry, and he participates in nearly all our Council events.  Bob, we recognize your dedication, commitment, and value to the parish and our Council.  Keep up the good work, continue to set the example, and thank you from the Council for all you do.
Feb KofC Mtg 2018 Knight of the Month
Feb KofC Mtg 2018 Knight of the Month
February 2018 Knight of the Month is Brother Rick Philips.  Rick has stepped up and is currently shadowing Sir Knight Ed Doyle in order to assume the Council Officer duties of Financial Secretary when the billet is vacated in April; he’s already well up on the learning curve. With an annual audit just completed, dues notices and card preparation underway, roster purging, and digesting the contents of the Financial Secretary’s Handbook, Rick has assimilated well in taking up the arduous duties of managing bills, correspondence, revenue, and records for a large and complicated Council—with tutelage from Brother Ed Doyle.  Rick intends to become Sir Knight Phillips on March 10th .
Over two-hundred Knights have joined our Council since the millennium; over a hundred other Brothers are no longer with us since then.  It’s safe to assume that many current Brothers are therefore unaware of the history of our Council and those Knights that grew this Council to what we have inherited from them. That said, let me tell you about one of our more dedicated Knights.

Knight of the Month December 2017
Knight of the Month December 2017
Sir Knight Russ Harrison has been a pillar of this Council for over 15 years.  For example, he was the Knight of the Month in July 2002, Knight of the Month in February 2014, the Grand Knight for the 2005-2006 Fraternal Year—leading the Council to receive the STAR Award, receiving the Contest of Champions Award, and the Daughters of the American Revolution Award.  His 4th Degree Offices and contributions also span several years with notable and appreciable accomplishes.  The list of his contributions cannot be summarized in a short presentation—he has been involved in literally hundreds of events within our Council and the Assembly over the years.

This month your Officers and Directors felt it imperative we again recognize Brother Russ for his continued dedication and contributions to our Councils’ efforts.  

As we attempted to replace the Petit Jean Ham Sale tradition, Russ was asked to take the lead in arranging the online ham sales as well as selling $2,000 worth of gift certificates before and after Masses during parts of November and December.  Why Russ?  Because he’s an effective and dependable leader, produces tremendous results, and always has a can-do attitude and a record of success in all his endeavors.  He personally sold $2,000 of gift certificates and organized and advertised the online website effort with Brothers Darnell and Doyle.  

Sir Knight Russ Harrison has the Council's deepest respect and heartfelt appreciation.

Russ Harrison has been and continues to be one of our finest Knights. It is a humble honor for us  to again recognize a truly remarkable Sir Knight, our Brother, Russ Harrison.