Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Knight of the Month Bob Bowman
Knight of the Month Bob Bowman
Sir Knight Bob Bowman was integral to the success of the Seminarian Support Dinner on the 14th of July, 2017. He was responsible for ticket sales, table assignments, meal ordering and selection, collecting and accounting of funds, arranging for sales representatives, and volunteering before and after Masses for two weekends. Brother Bowman’s attention to detail, recording, and disseminating information to all concerned contributed to the highly successful KofC endeavor and is a reflection of his commitment to the Council and it’s worth charity causes.
Fr Bill Elser June Knight of the Month
Fr Bill Elser June Knight of the Month
The Knight of the Month is Fr. Bill Elser. Our Council has nine official Church functions each year, and several other Culture of Life, Council, Youth, and Community activities, plus over a dozen other parish-life activities that are faith-based initiatives for growing the domestic church. The next event is the affirmation of wedding vows on Father’s Day, 18 June, where we’ll all have the blessed opportunity to reflecton our marital commitments with his blessings. Events such as the Running of the Silver Rose, Mother’s Day appreciation, Founder’s Day honoring the venerable Fr. McGivney, our Memorial Mass and Dinner for departed Brothers and their faithful widows, the Seminarian Support Dinner, and events such as the Rosary in the Public Square, the March for Life, participating in Special Olympics, and so many more Knight sponsored events are made possible, successful, and totally supported by our Worthy Chaplain. Even renting this hall for our events is made possible by Fr. Bill’s support. Initiatives such as the Feast before the Fast, supporting “Into the Breach” discussion opportunities for Catholic gentlemen, providing reflections at all Council Meetings, attending the state and national conventions as our State Chaplain and debriefing us, enabling and encouraging our participation in Knight’s funerals with honorary condolences, and most importantly, providin spiritual guidance to meet our individual and collective needs must not go unheralded and deserve our sincere appreciation with a debt of gratitude.
The May 2017 Knight of the Month is Lanny Mabus.  Lanny is a member of the local woodworking club and he’s in charge of coordinating, making and distributing the book cases for Fountain Lake, Jessieville, and Mt. Pine Schools.  The book cases go to students that excel in reading above their grade level.  That’s a huge amount of book cases!

Lanny travels the region delivering food for seniors, and he’s been involved in that enterprise for years.  He volunteers for the love lunches, for CPID and for St Francis House.  Brother Lanny put over 4000 miles this past year going to and from St Francis House activities.  Let's congratulate this truly exemplary Brother Knight!